SVP Gulmohur Residency Indirapuram

SVP Gulmohur Residency Overview:

SVP Gulmohur Residency is a ready to move society located in Ahinsa Khand 2 Indirapuram Ghaziabad.

Gulmohur Residency has 2 bhk with study and 3 BHK, 3 BHK with servant apartment.

SVP Gulmohur Residency is spread over 3.13 acre land with 4 towers and 418 units with 19 storey building and each tower has 2 lifts.

The SVP Gulmohur Residency has all the modern amenities like swimming pool, gymnasium and club. Lift and parking facility available in Gulmohur residency.

Market is in front of the society for daily needs.

Metro station of Noida Sector 62 is just 2 km away from SVP Gulmohur Residency.

SVP Gulmohur Residency is well planned, well maintain and well connected.

Schools, Malls, Market, College are in 1 km radius available from the SVP Gulmohur Residency.

Anand Vihar 8 km, NH – 24 is 2 km, IGI Airport 39 km.

SVP Gulmohur Residency has lush green area of 70% of total land area.

Price Range is 60 Lac to 85 lacs and rent range is 14000 to 20000.

Excellent carpet area.

Cons. Part of the SVP Gulmohur Residency:

Lack of open space, lack of sun face and natural light.

Old construction despite of recently possession.

Average construction quality.

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