As of December 2024, rental prices for 3 BHK flats in Unitech Unihomes, Sector 117, Noida, vary based on factors such as floor level, furnishings, and specific unit features. For instance, a 3 BHK flat on the 14th floor with 2 bathrooms and 4 balconies is listed at ₹19,000 per month.
Additionally, 3 BHK flats in the same sector are available with rents ranging from ₹27,500 to ₹42,000, depending on the unit size and amenities.
Given that your specified area is 1,020 sq.ft., it’s reasonable to expect rental prices within this range. For the most accurate and current listings, consider consulting real estate platforms or contacting local property agents.
(AMIT 7838334400)
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