2 BHK flats in Amrapali Zodiac, Sector 120, Noida, with a built-up area of 1255 sq.ft., are currently listed for sale at prices ranging from ₹80 Lakhs to ₹1.21 Crores. This means the price per square foot for these flats varies between ₹6,370 and ₹9,640.
Important Note:
- Legal Issues: Amrapali Group has been facing significant legal issues, including delays in project completion and financial troubles. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consult legal experts before making any investment decisions related to Amrapali properties.
- Price Fluctuations: Real estate prices can fluctuate based on various factors like market trends, location, and property condition. It’s advisable to consult with real estate agents or property consultants for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.
(RISHABH 8448761426)