Amrapali Princely Estate 2900FT 14+(TERR 2000FT 1BR) 3BR PENT HOUSE
The price for a 3 BHK penthouse in Amrapali Princely Estate, Sector 76, Noida, varies based on the specifics of the property, such as floor level, view, and furnishing. In general, prices in this area range around ₹6,500 to ₹8,500 per square foot for properties of this type.
For a 3 BHK penthouse measuring 2,900 sq. ft., the estimated price can range from approximately ₹1.88 crore to ₹2.46 crore, depending on the condition and features of the unit. For more precise and up-to-date pricing, it is advisable to contact local real estate agents or visit property listing platforms like Housing.com or NoBroker to explore available listings
(ABU AHMED CY 7827973437)
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