Size of the flat: Larger flats naturally cost more than smaller ones.
Builder: Different builders have varying pricing strategies and target different markets.
Location within the sector: Flats with better views or closer proximity to desirable amenities like parks or metro stations will typically be more expensive.
Amenities offered: The more amenities a builder flat has, like swimming pools, gyms, or clubhouses, the higher the price will be.
However, to give you a general idea, here’s a range of prices for builder flats in Sector 40, Noida:
2 BHK flats: ₹45 Lac to ₹1.50 Cr.
3 BHK flats: ₹65 Lac to ₹2.50 Cr.
4 BHK flats: ₹1.20 Cr to ₹4.00 Cr.
5 BHK flats and above: ₹3.00 Cr to ₹7.00 Cr or more.
If you’re interested in buying a builder flat in Sector 40, Noida, I recommend contacting a few real estate agents to get specific prices for the flats you’re interested in. You can also search online for listings of builder flats in Sector 40, Noida.
contact:- (ASHOK CHUGH 9312053585)
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