Navrang Square Mall Coming instead of Navrang Cinema or Theatre Address of Navrang Square Mall is Model Town GT Road Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Pin Code of Navrang Square Mall 201001.
Location of Navrang Square Mall:
The location of Navrang Square Mall is Very prime it is corner square shape plot, near Tehsil Sadar Ghaziabad on GT Road which known as NH 91.
The surroundings is very VIP population all government higher post officers and high class gentry near by the location, more than three mall already in running condition and running very well.
Lots of brand already on this road in other malls so here is the big opportunity for investors who want earn more invest now so the rising of price can be multiply their hard earned money.
Reviews and Google ratings of the developer and location is 4 out of five.
Reviews of Navrang Square Mall is very positive 4.2 out of 5.
The Renowned group already delivered more than 6 project in NCR.
The Price range of the Renowned Group Navrang Square Mall is 20000 per sq. Ft.
This is the prelaunch state price after than it can be increase, so hurry to book your space fast to avail the inaugural discount price.
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