Number of Bedrooms (BHK):
More bedrooms generally mean a higher price. Expect 4 BHK to be more expensive than 3 BHK flats.
Size of the Flat (sq ft): 240 yard
Location within South City 1: Certain blocks or areas might be pricier.
Furnishing: Furnished flats tend to be more expensive than unfurnished ones.
Here’s a breakdown to give you a general idea:
Price Range: ₹ 1.8 Cr – ₹ 5.9 Cr
Lower end of the range (₹ 1.8 Cr – ₹ 2.5 Cr): This could be for a smaller flat (maybe a 3 BHK) in an older building, on a lower floor, or with limited amenities in a less preferred block.
Mid-range (₹ 2.5 Cr – ₹ 4.5 Cr): This is more likely for a mid-sized or larger flat (3 BHK or 4 BHK) in a decent location and condition.
Higher end of the range (₹ 4.5 Cr – ₹ 5.9 Cr): This could be for a luxurious, spacious flat (4 BHK) in a prime block, with modern amenities and potentially furnished.
contact:- AASTHA 9313456465
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