Orange County, Ahinsa Khand 1 Indirapuram 3Bhk Flat For Sale
201009, Uttar Pradesh, India, India, Uttar Pradesh, Ghaziabad, Ahinsa Khand 1
As of January 2025, 3 BHK flats with a super built-up area of 1,566 square feet in Orange County, Ahinsa Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, are available for sale at prices ranging from ₹1.75 crore to ₹1.92 crore.
These flats are ready to move in and come with various amenities, including:
Swimming Pool
Children’s Play Area
Landscaped Gardens
24/7 Security
Power Backup
Intercom Facility
Wi-Fi Connectivity
The apartments are semi-furnished, featuring wooden flooring in all bedrooms, modular kitchen setups, and premium woodwork.
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